Friday, June 28, 2013


Jenna celebrating Hannukah
Today we got the email that our buyers were approved by our coop board.  Which means that we will be moving out of our apartment in about 2-3 weeks.  And I'm feeling very nostalgic over this move.  This is the first place that Mike and I bought together...I was nine months pregnant at our closing and gave birth to Jenna just FOUR days after we moved in.  My water even broke in our elevator on our way to get groceries.

Learning how to do her business!
We renovated this place pretty much from top to bottom and it's been our home as a family, for over 4 years. We learned how to be parents in this apartment.  We brought both our babies home from the hospital here. We had Jenna's baby naming, Alex's bris, their first birthday parties, and countless holidays here.

There were lots of great memories made in these walls.

I'll miss our great friends that live right behind us (our 'backdoor neighbors') and the park that's not even a block away.  Jenna knows how to get to the subway from here and where all the driveways are on our walks (where she has to "plause")
I hope she always remembers this place as her first home and the apartment where she (sort of) shared a room with her baby brother.
Alex will only remember it from pictures.

We're on to a (much needed) bigger space...which will also need lots of renovations (I guess we love our projects)...and I know we'll make lots of great memories there as well.

But today, as I'm going through our stuff and getting rid of crap we've accrued along the years, I'm feeling a little sad about leaving
our home behind.  I hope the new owners love it as much as we did/do.

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