Sunday, September 18, 2011

getting dressed

Things around here have been very very tired lately.  For whatever reason, our usually decent sleeper has become nocturnal.  Literally.  So Mike and I have been running on less than empty.
Just to prove my point, here's a recent conversation we had after I picked J up from daycare:

Me: Hey - I just got J in the car, and honey, you forgot her pants.
Mike - What do you mean? Wasn't that a dress?
Me: No...not a dress - her panties (we're using that term by the way) are sticking out the bottom. She was like that all day.
Mike: I took her on the subway fault.

I guess I'll be laying out clothes the night before from now on.

I so wish I had a picture of this so-called 'dress' but I was too tired to take one.


  1. Daddy puts me in some odd outfits on occasion, but he's always remembered my pants! :) I wish you had a picture!

  2. Hehehe. As long as Mike remembered his pants.
