Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Viva la Mexico!

Tomorrow will be the beginning of our longest time away from our little girl.  We have a wedding in Mexico and decided months ago to make a mini-vacation out of it.  We'll be gone from Thursday (probably before she wakes) until Monday (hopefully back so we can do dinner and bedtime with her).

We've left her with grandparents a couple of times...we went to Vegas (twice) and had a couple of overnight trips as well.

But this feels different.  We'll be out of the country.  I don't know if our cell phones will work everywhere. Wifi is limited.  So this time, we won't be in constant contact with her. Instead, it will probably be more of a 'touch base' in the morning kind of thing. It's also the first time other people will be getting her ready and taking her to school in the morning.  We're trying to keep her schedule as close to normal as possible.  And I have to somehow resist the urge to write out every.little.thing we do for her on a daily basis to leave for the grandparents.

Don't get me wrong, I am so looking forward to this trip...we've had a rough couple of months and can use some time away to just be Melissa and Mike, Husband and Wife.

So I guess we'll put our complete (and well deserved) trust in her wonderful grandparents and know that we're going to come back being a better Mommy and Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. I gave my parents a two page instruction sheet when I left c
